House Portraits

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Drawing Mums - Spot Illustrations for The Mumsition


It's been a little while since The Mumsition got published (back in June) and I hadn't yet shared some of my illustrations from it. I thought I'd also show some photos of the finished book and some of my original rough drawings to share some of the process - I always find it interesting to see those on other illustrators' blogs!

The Mumsition is written by Isabel Mohan, Katie Massie-Taylor and Sarah Hesz - the creators of Mush. If you don't know what Mush is, it's an app where mums can meet other mums. Mush also share very amusing content about parenthood on their instagram (@mushmums) too.

Their content is written with a definite sense of humour and the book was too, so I was delighted to be asked to create the spot illustrations, giving my humorous touch to lots of different mums and scenarios. It was published by Piatkus, an imprint of Little, Brown Book Group. Search for The Mumsition on your preferred book buying place to get a copy!

There are twenty-one of my drawings in total in the book, so here are just a few...

It has always been a dream for me to illustrate books - and something I'd wanted for a very long time. I'm illustrating another book at the moment, which I'm super-excited about! So I can't wait to show you that, but actually I will, because it's not going to be published until March.

Getting back to my original point... I was therefore a very happy lady when my copies came through the post, so here are some photos of my drawings in their final habitat...

'The first six weeks - When everything is bonkers...'
Mother and Baby Yoga
About to pop!
Taking baby out for dinner
Here are some pictures of my rough drawings both in pencil - and then in ink as I started to draw the final artwork. I think it's nice to see the process sometimes, as it's a reminder of the work that goes into the finished thing before it gets seen. When you're starting out (or even after years of experience), it can be easy to forget about that part when you see lovely finished pieces on Instagram, or in a book or gallery.

Pencil roughs stage
Drawing the final artwork

Thankyou for swinging by my blog! If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you might have seen that I've recently been working on a Sheffield colouring book! It officially launched last week, so I will be sharing a post about that soon, again with some photos of the process. In the mean time, you can take a look at it on my Etsy shop.

Bye for now! :)